Luís Filipe Teófilo, Developer in Porto, Portugal
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Luís Filipe Teófilo

Verified Expert  in Engineering

C# Developer

Porto, Portugal
Toptal Member Since
December 8, 2014

With experience both as a scientist and an industrial software developer, Luís has the capacity to address real-world problems with creativity and effectiveness. His background in R&D也让他在执行高效和干净的解决方案来解决特殊要求的问题方面具有优势.


Maria.js, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Leaflet, Node.js, JavaScript
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory
Machine Learning, OpenGL, Java, C++, C, C#
Fast Luza - Consultoria, Unipessoal, Lda
Classic ASP, jQuery, HTML, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Windows Forms (WinForms)...




Preferred Environment

Windows, Subversion (SVN), Android Studio, NetBeans, Visual Studio

The most amazing...

...I've coded is an algorithm for opponent strategy modeling in incomplete information problems, which uses weighted Euclidian distance between chart slopes.

Work Experience

Software Engineer and Researcher

2015 - PRESENT
  • Worked on a web-based platform (JS/Node.js) for large-scale agricultural farm management (ERP) and related decision support systems.
  • Developed a graphical tool for creating and managing the farm shapes.
  • Developed a graphical tool for online tractor tracking on the map. The tractors communicate with the system by sending GPS signals.
  • Developed parts of the REST API provided by the ERP in Node.js.
  • 创建了一个可重用的表单生成系统,可以合并实体并透明地将它们编辑为单个实体.
Technologies: Maria.js, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Leaflet, Node.js, JavaScript


2009 - 2016
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory
  • 开发具有先进对手建模能力的扑克软件,在AAAI计算机扑克锦标赛中获得第二名.
  • 创建了一个扑克模拟器和PGDL语言,该语言允许使用自定义规则创建扑克游戏, with an AI opponent that adapts to those rules.
  • Built a generic multi-modal framework to add customized natural interfaces to existing games. Interaction modes include Kinect and speech recognition.
  • Innovated a computer vision system which controls user interfaces.
  • Programmed a 3D visualizer for an intelligent wheelchair simulator (OpenGL, OpenTk, and C#).
  • Supervised over ten master's theses in the game domain.
  • Finished my PhD thesis under the game theory domain.
Technologies: Machine Learning, OpenGL, Java, C++, C, C#

Software Engineer

2010 - 2014
Fast Luza - Consultoria, Unipessoal, Lda
  • Developed several back-end web-based projects from scratch, such as fire extinguisher maintenance (, airport parking maintenance (,以及为巴拿马政府提供的计算机配送物流软件(http://globalwrc).com/).
  • 为Android平板电脑创建了一个数字产品目录,专门提供给供应商公司,允许订单记录和数据同步与公司的ERP.
  • Worked on several front-end projects such as CMS ( and eCommerce sites ( These projects were based on an internal solution built from scratch.
  • 编写了一个自动电子邮件通知系统,用于与我工作的网站相关的数据报告.
  • Managed an IIS web server/SQL Server that hosts over 60 websites.
  • Built website optimization tools for marketing.
Technologies: Classic ASP, jQuery, HTML, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Windows Forms (WinForms), Microsoft SQL Server, Android, ASP.NET, C#


2008 - 2014
Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto
  • Taught a wide variety of coursework, including programming (C/C++), programming labs (Java, UML, DokuWiki), web development (PHP/Smarty/PostgreSQL), software engineering (UML), databases (Oracle), operating systems (C/C++/Unix), computational theory (state machines/regular expressions/Turing machines), and computer organization (Assembly).
Technologies: PHP, UML, Assembly, Oracle SQL, Java, PostgreSQL, C#, C++, C

Fusion Farming Suite

一个基于web的大型农业农场ERP管理及相关决策支持系统. At this project for Agri-Esprit, 我主要负责农作物几何版的geoocation接口和基于gps的实时拖拉机跟踪接口(JavaScript with传单), Node.js on the server, and PostgreSQL with PostGIS in the database). I also worked in on the back-end and front-end of this platform dashboard. 它使用D3/HighCharts来显示数据,后端生成由气象站实时获得的预测模型创建的数据, temperature sensors, and pluviometers. By observing the dashboard, 根据农场条件优化决策并自动创建工单是可能的.g., apply pesticides).


专为设备维护公司提供的SaaS,允许管理客户灭火器的维护周期. 该软件是少数遵循葡萄牙标准NP4413灭火器维护的软件之一, which ensures the safety of its users. The software permits generating several data reports, printing maintenance labels, planning daily maintenance routes or sending notification letters and emails to the clients. The project was developed in C#/ASP.NET.

Vroomz (via Toptal)

Vroomz is a hotel reservation site for major events. This website serves events and provides a unique front-end layout for each one of them. There, I rebuilt the front-end/back-end in C#/ASP.NET. I built a front-end with dynamic styling options which allows for it to be adapted to any event. I also moved, transformed, and migrated an old MySQL database from the former system into a new SQL Server schema. Regarding the back-office, I completely rebuilt it, with huge speed improvements in data loading and displaying. There, I also refactored the reports. Finally, I did some fixes/patches in the former PHP system while the new system was not yet live.

Private Investments Manager

In this project, users can store information about their financial products (bank deposits, stocks, risk funds, etc.). 然后,系统会向用户提供有关其投资表现的详细报告和通知,以及有关未来投资的建议. This project was implemented in C#/ASP.借助Google Finance API和Bloomerg API实现股票和风险基金利率的自动更新.

Bilbayt (via Toptal)
It is the first multi ordering platform for catering services in Kuwait. It makes it easier to find and order catering services including food trucks, live cooking stations, special dishes and more. 在那里,我直接在他们的平台上工作,为他们的一些页面构建前端和后端, namely for registering new caterers. The project was implemented in ASP.NET MVC.

Vending Machine Software (Cafematic)

This software was built for companies that sell products in vending machines. 该软件允许读取这些机器的日志(以标准EvaDts格式),并验证其销售的现金流. Finally, it generates billing documents and processes commissions for the vending machines' canvassers. This project was implemented in C#.


An eCommerce website for a hardware repair company. 该项目还包括整个维修过程的管理,从设备的挑选到维修中心之一,再到最终交付给客户. 这个项目是用c#实现的,所有的数据都与公司的ERP系统(PHC)同步。.

Digital Product Catalog

该项目包括为供应商公司提供上门销售的Android平板电脑数字目录. The users can show the customers all products and then perform an order. 该软件也用于交易会,因此特别关注订单的快速创建. The software was implemented with Android SDK. 所有订单和欧博体育app下载都与公司的ERP系统(Eticadata)和一个电子商务网站同步.

Computer Distribution System

该项目管理magalh PC (http://www)分销的整个物流过程由巴拿马教育部获得,分发给全国所有学校的学生. This project also manages the repair processes of possible malfunctions of those equipments. The project was implemented in C# and ASP.NET.

Pinto, Guedes de Oliveira
This is a ASP.NET MVC project built from scratch for a car stand. 这是一个目录的汽车,它有一个轮胎订单配置器,所以客户可以订购安装新的轮胎与方便.

我在这个项目中的角色是建立几乎整个后端(SQL Server数据库)和后台插入内容在这个网站.

这是一本学术出版物,我在其中讨论了非传统游戏控制器(WiiMote)的中间件框架的创建, Rock Band instruments, Kinect, etc.) that addresses the issue of their not being designed for other game applications. The framework maps body poses or voice commands to actions in any game, 提供更自然和定制的用户体验,从而潜在地扩大游戏消费者市场.

Expert Guitar for Noobs
使用《欧博体育app下载》控制器的原型软件,通过将控制器连接到电脑,并将每个按钮(或一组按钮)映射到特定的音符/和弦,来播放真正的音符和和弦. The sound was produced with a MIDI-like system that sounds more like the real instrument. Although the controller only has five buttons, it is possible to use a maximum of 31 different combinations and play real songs. This project was implemented in Java.

Imagine City
一个三维商业模拟游戏,设计成一个大型多人在线游戏与社交网络集成. 目标是从零开始建造一座城市,并试图解决由此产生的许多问题(饥饿), unemployment, pollution, etc). In short, 我们的想法是努力在这个小范围内实现八个千年目标,并努力认识到其中的困难,并学习如何实现这些目标. This is done by constructing and evolving roads and buildings, passing laws and measures, and establishing partnerships with other players. 这些行动中的每一项都可以以许多不同的方式有助于提高你在千年目标实现方面的得分. Imagine City is intended to be "non-ending game.“玩家的目标是尽可能改善自己的城市,并在世界想象城市排名中竞争.

This project was implemented in C# with the XNA framework for graphics.


JavaScript, SQL, Java, C#, Prolog, C++, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), PHP, XML, C, HTML, Assembly, UML


ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Maria.js, ASP.NET Web Forms, Classic ASP, Angular, Bootstrap, Android SDK, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR)


Google Maps SDK, Google Maps API, Google Maps, Leaflet, Node.js, jQuery, OpenCV, OpenGL, Google API, Windows Forms (WinForms), React


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Functional Programming, Extreme Programming, Scrum


Windows, Linux, Android, NetBeans, iOS, RapidMiner


Machine Learning, Data Modeling, Data Mining, Software Engineering, Software Development, Web Development, Freelancing, Posters


Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, Paint.NET, Weka, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Subversion (SVN), Adobe Illustrator


PostGIS, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle SQL, MongoDB, Oracle PL/SQL

2010 - 2016

Ph.D. (Cum Laude) in Informatics Engineering

Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto - Porto, Portugal

2005 - 2010

Master's Degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering

Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto - Porto, Portugal

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