Ihsan Etwaroo,美国加利福尼亚州旧金山的开发人员
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Ihsan Etwaroo

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

San Francisco, CA, United States
Toptal Member Since
November 24, 2016

Ihsan是一名高级网络技术工程师,曾为大型投资公司开发过各种应用程序, small contracting companies, and startups. 他是全栈专家,也是多个框架的专家, such as Kotlin, Elixir, Python, React, Node.js, Express.js, and Meteor. 在业余时间,他喜欢跟上最新最伟大的技术.


Elixir, Kotlin, React, Kubernetes, Docker,前端,React Native, GraphQL...
OpenTSDB, Apache Thrift, Bash, MySQL, SQLAlchemy, Python, Java,前端...
Leanplum (via Toptal)
WebSockets, XML, Sass, HTML, JavaScript, Java, Angular,前端,React Native...




Preferred Environment

GitHub, Git, Vim文本编辑器,Sublime Text, Ubuntu, MacOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

The most amazing...

...我的职业生涯的一部分是我对解决规模问题的热情, revamping processes, 并在不同的行业制定有效的解决方案.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2020 - 2023
  • 担任创建和优化手机任务收件箱服务的技术主管. 领导后端架构重构,延迟减少90%. The service handles 1 million requests per week.
  • 是否负责将Brex的内部收据处理服务从Elixir迁移并扩展到Kotlin. Completed with zero downtime, handling 11 million receipts weekly, with a 98% reduction in p99 latency.
  • 担任技术主管,负责在费用管理审批系统中建立层级经理支持.
  • Implemented SLOs for department-owned services, 为服务业主和领导团队制作每周报告.
  • Designed and implemented various product features, including bulk action support, card dashboard redesign, audit history, mobile changes in react native, and dashboard pagination.
Technologies: Elixir, Kotlin, React, Kubernetes, Docker,前端,React Native, GraphQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Fintech, CSS, GitHub, Testing, NPM, Confluence, Agile, Webpack, UI Components, Express.js, Full-stack, Product Strategy, MEAN Stack, Chatbots, Stripe, Stripe API, Payment Gateways, Stripe Checkout, FastAPI, Solution Architecture

Software Engineer

2017 - 2020
  • 为Ads API创建提交后集成测试基础架构.
  • 集成Spinnaker的CI/CD的广告API,以方便自动部署.
  • Worked on an entity model migration project, migrating API schemas, orchestrating backfills, API version splitting, Java service POJO refactoring, and updating Pinterest Ad services such as search, indexing, and ranking.
  • 利用Kafka pub/sub模型为Shopify集成开发后端实时数据同步管道.
  • 作为广告平台团队的一员,参与广告商数据库分片项目.
  • Improved the advertiser admin search speed by 22.2% with Elasticsearch.
  • 开发了一个Elasticsearch客户端,将基于文本的查询从底层MySQL数据层重路由到Elasticsearch集群.
  • 为碎片集群创建度量仪表板,以监视延迟、网络和CPU使用情况.
Technologies: OpenTSDB, Apache Thrift, Bash, MySQL, SQLAlchemy, Python, Java,前端, React Native, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CSS, GitHub, Testing, NPM, Confluence, Agile, Webpack, UI Components, Express.js, Full-stack, Product Strategy, MEAN Stack, Chatbots, Stripe, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout, Pydantic

Software Engineer

2017 - 2017
Leanplum (via Toptal)
  • 为HTML应用内通知系统的推出提供工程协助.
  • 在AngularJS和VanillaJS上运行的遗留系统上添加了各种功能.
  • 修复并改进了性能不佳的应用程序功能,如IP过滤和移动网页视图闪烁.
Technologies: WebSockets, XML, Sass, HTML, JavaScript, Java, Angular,前端,React Native, GraphQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Fintech, CSS, GitHub, Testing, Confluence, Agile, Webpack, UI Components, Express.. js,全栈,产品策略,MEAN Stack, Stripe, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout

Software Engineer

2016 - 2017
Autobeacon (via Toptal)
  • 为Node开发了部署和开发管道.js project utilizing Heroku and GitHub.
  • Integrated a transactional email service using SendGrid.
  • 为所有服务器端点添加了错误处理和中间商安全性,以适应iOS应用程序的前端.
  • 使用Burp Suite对应用程序进行渗透测试以保证安全性.
Technologies: SendGrid, MongoDB, Node.js、AWS、CSS、GitHub、Confluence、Agile、Webpack、UI Components、Express.js,全栈,产品策略,Stripe, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout

Full-stack Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 创建了一个在线市场来销售专有教科书, question packs, 并使用React作为驱动前端框架向应用程序用户滑动包.
  • 使用Mocha、Sinon、Selenium和Python,在后端和前端集成了100%的测试覆盖率.
  • 开发的产品目前每学期在4000多所大学教室中使用.
  • Increased the back-end module item copying run-time by 10%.
  • 在为市场构建后端模型方面发挥了积极的作用.
  • 创建了一个在线文本编辑器/查看器,能够突出显示和注钉超过2使用,000,000 users.
Technologies: Sass, JavaScript, Django, Python, React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CSS, GitHub, Agile, Webpack, UI Components, AngularJS, Express.. js,全栈,产品策略,MEAN Stack, Stripe, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout

Software Engineer

2015 - 2015
Orbis Access
  • 从头开始为the Orbis Challenge重新构建web应用程序.
  • Worked on full-stack web development using the .NET framework, Microsoft Azure, Angular, and Less.
  • 执行商业智能和分析工作与谷歌分析查询引擎和QlikView.
  • 创建了一个Python程序,使用Docker实例在云上并行处理AI游戏提交.
  • 使用Burp Suite对web应用程序进行渗透测试,确保没有安全漏洞.
技术:Microsoft Azure, Mercurial, Angular, LINQ, Entity, c#, ASP.. NET MVC、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Fintech、CSS、Agile、Webpack、AngularJS、Express.js,全栈,产品策略,MEAN Stack, Stripe Checkout

GPA Academy

这是一个为多伦多大学学生开发的同伴辅导应用程序. The application provides a scheduler, lesson planner, real time payment system, 和聊天系统,以便让学生有效地安排课程. 微服务的使用是为了适应用户增长和模块化.

McGill Hackathon Finalist

Competed in the McGill hackathon in Montreal, Canada in 2014 (largest Canadian hackathon at the time, 500+ competitors). 因创建了一款通过短信提供谷歌地图方向的安卓应用程序而进入前十名, 规避了对互联网数据驱动方向的需求.
2013 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

University of Toronto - Toronto, Canada


Node.js, React, Immutable.js, Sinon.JS, Socket.IO, Pydantic, Stripe, Social Media APIs, Stripe API, Pinterest API, Facebook API, Stripe Connect, SQLAlchemy, LINQ


GitHub, Vim Text Editor, Atom, Sublime Text 3, NPM, Confluence, Webpack, Stripe Checkout, Ansible, VirtualBox, Sketch, Sublime Text, Git, Mercurial, Mocha, Amazon CloudFront CDN, SendGrid, Grunt, Vagrant


Angular, Express.js, AngularJS, Express.io, Alt.js, React Native, ASP.NET MVC 4, Django, JUnit, Selenium, ASP.NET MVC, Entity, Apache Thrift, Web2py


Python, HTML, JavaScript, Python 3, CSS, Less, GraphQL, Java, C, C#, SQL, HTML5, Sass, XML, Bash, Swift, Racket, Elixir, Kotlin


Testing, Functional Programming, Model View Controller (MVC), Agile Software Development, Agile, MEAN Stack, Object-oriented Programming (OOP)


Meteor, Web, Docker, Android, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MacOS, Ubuntu, iOS, Heroku, Kubernetes


MongoDB, MySQL, SQLite, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Docker Cloud


Agile Software Testing, Front-end, Fintech, UI Components, Full-stack, Product Strategy, Payment Gateways, Solution Architecture, Stripe Payments, Chatbots, FastAPI, Serverless, Real-time Communication (RTC), Microsoft Azure, Ajax, WebSockets, OpenTSDB, Stable Diffusion

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