Gabriel Bull, Developer in Montreal, QC, Canada
Gabriel is available for hire
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Gabriel Bull

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Montreal, QC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
April 2, 2014

Gabriel是一位多才多艺的开发人员,擅长开发、设计和品牌推广. He combines these skills every day to imagine, draw, 并为他的客户建立令人惊叹的网站和网络应用程序, from initial ideation and vision to final deployment.


Seal Jobs
CI/CD管道,用户界面,Jest, Enzyme, Babel, ESLint, TypeScript...
Sass, Webpack, Redux Thunk, React Redux, React Router...
Totem Acoustic
UPS API, Sage 50,谷歌地图API, jQuery, MooTools, Backbone.js, Vagrant...




Preferred Environment

Git, PyCharm, PhpStorm, MacOS, Linux

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Front-end Developer | UX and UI

2017 - 2020
Seal Jobs
  • 开发了一个iOS和Android应用程序,让比利时的学生可以申请工作.
  • 为招聘人员开发了一个PWA,以便与学生匹配.
  • 构建一个持续集成工作流来测试和部署应用程序.
Technologies: CI/CD管道,用户界面,Jest, Enzyme, Babel, ESLint, TypeScript, Reselect, Yup, Redux-Saga, React Redux, Redux, React Native for Web, React Native Reanimated, Moment.js, Lottie-iOS, Lottie, Lodash, i18next, Formik, Axios, React Navigation, Bugsnag, Crashlytics, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Firebase Analytics, Firebase Android SDK, Firebase iOS SDK, Firebase Web SDK, Firebase, Social Media Login, Apple Push Notifications, Push Notifications, Styled-components, GraphQL, Apollo Server, React Apollo, Apollo, React Native, React, JavaScript

Lead Front-end Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 开发了一个PWA,允许童子军委员会管理他们的活动和商品.
  • 开发了一个PWA,允许童子军和他们的家人预订和支付活动, merchandise, and facilities.
  • 帮助后端工程师实现React应用的服务器端渲染 .NET back end.
Technologies: Sass, Webpack, Redux Thunk, React Redux, React Router, Google Maps JavaScript API 3, Google Maps API, Google Maps, Moment.js, Immutable.js、Bourbon Neat、Bourbon、Redux、JavaScript、CSS、Material UI、TypeScript、React

CTO, Chief Technology Officer

2006 - 2015
Totem Acoustic
  • 开发了一个web应用程序,使客户的销售工作流程自动化, and allows their clients to place orders, 然后自动输入Sage 50会计软件, and linked with UPS and many other APIs.
  • Designed the logo and branding for the company.
  • 使用定制的CMS设计和开发公司网站.
  • 结合视差效果和响应式设计,为公司的一个产品设计了一个微型网站.
  • 开发了一个经销商定位器使用智能搜索城市名称, provinces/states or Postal Code/ZIP Code, and integrated it with Google Maps.
技术:UPS API, Sage 50,谷歌地图API, jQuery, MooTools, Backbone.. js, Vagrant, Puppet, SCSS, CSS3, JavaScript, Linux, PHP

Lead Developer/Devops

2014 - 2014
  • 使用Puppet, Fabric和Vagrant创建了一个自动化的持续集成平台.
  • 将整个代码库从过时的Solar PHP框架迁移到Symfony PHP框架,同时创建一个没有停机的过渡期.
  • 创建了从多个来源收集和分析商业智能数据的工具.
  • Implemented Agile methodologies, SOLID Principles, continuous integration, unit testing to the whole company.
  • Provided help to the hiring process.
技术:Python, Fabric, Puppet, Vagrant, Memcached, MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, JavaScript, PHP

Development and Design Consultant

2013 - 2014
CRI Agence
  • 通过使用Vagrant和Puppet实现可移植的开发环境,改进了公司的web开发工作流程.
  • 将公司的版本控制系统从Subversion切换到Git, 实现了一个云平台,允许开发人员在家工作.
  • 为加拿大最大的银行之一开发了web应用程序的大部分前端和后端.
  • 创建了一个团队,使用CSS预处理器来实现LESS和SASS的工作流.
  • 为魁北克省的大学开发了一个外联网的所有前端和后端, to allow them courses and classes management.
  • 使用Git为公司实现了一个安全的工作流, Puppet, Linux and SSH, replacing the deprecated FTP deployment workflow.
技术:Subversion (SVN), Git, Grunt,木偶.js, Backbone.js, HTML5, Less, SCSS, CSS3, Puppet, Vagrant, JavaScript, PHP

President, Director of the Operations

2011 - 2014
Blink Medias Inc.
  • 招聘并领导6人的开发、销售和设计团队.
  • 学习会计、会计软件和企业管理的各个方面.
  • Responsible for branding, design, and development.
  • 实现了最先进的服务器管理系统,学习了使用Linux的安全和部署技术, SSH, Puppet and Git.
Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python, PHP

Workflow, development and design consultant

2005 - 2013
KABS Laboratories
  • 使用定制的CMS设计和开发网站.
  • 使用Final Cut Pro和Motion创建了一个宣传视频.
  • 为客户开发了一个安全的应用程序来访问他们的个人文件、报告和请求.
Technologies: jQuery, Backbone.. js, Vagrant, Puppet, SCSS, CSS3, JavaScript, Linux, PHP

VP, Director of Technologies

2005 - 2011
Just Bull Inc.
  • 从头开始开发一个PHP框架,改进了开发和设计过程.
  • Hired and led a development and design team.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP

Desjardins Business Tools
决策工具帮助企业主制定可靠的商业计划, a marketing plan, and helps them trade internationally.

fight thub是加拿大发展最快的在线旅游公司之一. 它允许用户计划、预订和管理您的旅行计划.

Totem Acoustic
Totem Acoustic的使命是开发能够再现真正音乐和移动表演的扬声器. 目标是为音乐爱好者提供既负担得起又真正“灵魂搬运工”的设计.

DomPdf is an HTML to PDF converter. At its heart, DomPdf is (mostly) CSS 2.1 .兼容HTML布局和渲染引擎编写在PHP. 它是一个样式驱动的呈现器:它将下载并读取外部样式表, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes.


Geo-related tools PHP 5.4+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries


PHP Daemon for handling and managing Gearman Workers
PHP Daemon for handling and managing Gearman Workers.

从PHP检测用户的浏览器、操作系统和语言. 因为浏览器检测并不总是可靠的,而且一直在发展, use with care and feel free to contribute.

Google Site Search custom search PHP Wrapper Library

这个库旨在将所有UPS api包装成一个简单易用的PHP库. 它目前只涵盖量子视图®和跟踪api,但请随时贡献.


HTML, GraphQL, TypeScript, SQL, CSS3, ES7, Regex, ECMAScript (ES6), Bash, Less, PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, Sass, Swift, Objective-C, Python


Jest, Next.. js, Material UI, NestJS, Rx, Redux, Bootstrap, ZURB Foundation, Express.js, Java Agent DEvelopment (JADE), Flux, Foundation CSS,, React Native, CodeIgniter, Silex, Laravel 5, Slim, PHPUnit, Gearman, Bootstrap 3, Twig, Laravel, Symfony 2, AngularJS, Flask


MooTools, Google Maps API, UPS API, React Native for Web, REST APIs, Stripe API, ReactiveX, RxJS, Fabric, React, Lodash, YouTube API, EJS, Handlebars, Twilio API, Backbone.js, Facebook Open Graph API, jQuery, Backbone.木偶,Facebook API, Twitter API, LinkedIn API, Node.js, Stripe, Doctrine 2, Marionette.js, jQuery UI, Underscore.js, Google Maps, Puppet.js, Mustache, Immutable.js, Moment.js, Google Maps JavaScript API 3, React Router, React Redux, Firebase Web SDK, Firebase iOS SDK, Firebase Android SDK, React Navigation, Formik, Lottie-iOS, Redux-Saga, Yup, Reselect


Puppet, Subversion (SVN), Sage 50, Expo, GitHub,, Apple Push Notifications, Adobe Photoshop, Google Analytics, NPM, Webpack, Docker Swarm, Docker Compose, JSHint, Bower, PostCSS, Bourbon, Gulp, Babel, Composer, Git, PhpStorm, Grunt, Vagrant, Bourbon Neat, Redux Thunk, React Apollo, Firebase Analytics, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Crashlytics, Bugsnag


Database Design, Reactive Programming, Agile Software Development, REST, Unit Testing, Automated Server Deployment, Continuous Integration (CI)


Firebase, Heroku, Kubernetes, Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Linode, DigitalOcean, Linux, MacOS, Windows, iOS, WordPress, Android


PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Databases, Database Architecture, SQLite, NoSQL, MariaDB, MySQLi, MySQL, Redis, Memcached, MongoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Industry Expertise

Web Design


Geolocation, Apollo, Apollo Server, TypeORM, Styled-components, Full-stack, Web Development, Front-end, Gatsby, Push Notifications, Security, Leadership, PWA, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Back-end, APIs, Cloud Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, User Interface (UI), Reactive Streams, ESLint, CommonJS, Browsersync, Neat, Unix Shell Scripting, Branding, Quality Assurance (QA), Design, Architecture, WebSockets, OAuth, User Experience (UX), Social Media Login, Axios, i18next, Lottie, React Native Reanimated, Enzyme

2004 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Cegep du Vieux-Montreal - Montreal, Canada

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