托尼•菲利普斯, Designer in 路易斯维尔,科罗拉多州,美国
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验证专家  in Design



Tony has more than 15 years of experience within several ad agency environments designing interactive experiences for big brands such as Gatorade, 私酿的威士忌酒, 奇基塔, 3M, Verizon, 和更多的. 最近, 作为用户体验总监,他领导着一个产品设计师团队, 构建应用程序和企业解决方案. 他适应敏捷环境. Tony loves mentoring and also enjoys illustrating, presenting, and inspiring. WillWork2Create.com




2016 - 2017
  • Led a team of Product 设计师 through projects including enterprise applications, 响应性网站, 移动应用程序, and collaborating with investors/startups to develop ideas for potential technologies.
  • 带领这家全球性公司全面重塑品牌, 开发新的标志, styles, 的指导方针, and tone.
  • Designed an architecture for a collection of online scientific journals, 发表科学论文. 建筑是用Axure绘制出来的, while collecting and planning requirements with the client directly. 一个现代的,可读的设计遵循建筑.
  • Performed a 可用性 study of a major toll road company's plate review software and staff. 我和我的团队进行了用户访谈, 建立角色, 并与实际用户一起进行原型设计练习.
  • Worked with my team and the C-Level staff at Exadel to develop my team and team members, 为那些感兴趣的人规划职业道路. 除了晋升, I also worked with other Directors to advance processes across the company and I advocated and evangelized for User Centered Design approaches to software development.
  • 与初创企业客户合作, developing investor materials for them and creatively assisting them in exploring and developing their ideas - often times creating conceptual deliverables, 比如可点击的演示, 对比和模型, 甚至是线框图.
技术:Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe体验设计(XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


2014 - 2016
  • Led digital projects, driving IA, UX, design, and best practices. 曾与佳得乐等客户合作, 私酿的威士忌酒, Pepsi, Vans天然食品, Amp, 塞拉雾, Tyson, 和更多的.
  • Designed a promotional, responsive platform for Gatorade called Sweat With the Best. I was responsible for planning 和设计ing everything from IA to building a fully functional prototype in Axure - which I performed 可用性 Testing with to iterate. I also handled the 视觉设计, working directly with the clients at all times.
  • Created a micro-site for 私酿的威士忌酒 during a promotional engagement with the second Avengers movie. The site focused around the heroes powers and their character details allowing fans to interact with them in a digital environment, 收集的权力, 赢得奖品.
  • Directed and managed the social media design for Vans天然食品. Each month we developed a social content calendar, which i designed all posts for. 品牌内容有好几个类别, meaning I was responsible for maintaining visual interest while continuing consistency.
  • 导致了, 和铅, 该机构的其他几个项目, 包括竞选创意, 头脑风暴, 概念甲板构造, 以及平面展示广告设计.
  • 重新设计了机构网站, working with all facets of the agency to compile work examples and content, 在规划建筑和设计时.
技术:Microsoft PowerPoint, Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe体验设计(XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


2012 - 2014
  • 担任创意团队的首席数字设计师. I contributed 和铅 all digital projects and worked with clients such as 3M, Huwaei, 圣安东尼奥旅游, 贝勒大学, 和更多的.
  • Designed and architected a new responsive website for Visit San Antonio. The website was poised to do more than the typical tourism site, delving into giving relative context to users as they explored attractions and things to do in San Antonio.
  • 为3M公司创建了一个主要的数字活动, exploring the technologies offered in their telecom division. Collaborated with contractors to sketch and direct 3D modeling, and video and audio production of several commercial video segments that would live on 3M's website.
  • Continually participated in pitches, designing concept work that drove presentations and won work.
技术:Microsoft PowerPoint, Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe体验设计(XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


2012 - 2012
  • 创业公司, Lujure needed to rebrand itself to better match it's product, Facebook页面建设者. I led the small company through a rebranding exercise, resulting in a new logo and identity - Heyo.
  • 在我短暂的逗留期间, I also began building out the Creative Team by interviewing and hiring candidates.
技术:Microsoft PowerPoint, Balsamiq, Skype, Slack, InVision, Sketch, Axure, Adobe体验设计(XD), Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


2007 - 2012
  • Served in a variety of roles from managing a team of production designers to an 互动艺术总监. While here, I worked with clients such as Verizon, 奇基塔, Levelor, Graco, Advance Auto, 和更多的.
  • 为奇基塔设计了一个推广微型网站, 专注于他们的健康零食产品-包装, 切片的苹果和其他水果. 这个网站需要看起来和感觉新鲜, and attractive - winning over potential new customers as they're introduced to this new product line.
  • 构建和设计一个互动活动, 让人们意识到奇基塔的牛油果. 这个概念主要是一款游戏, where each participant could move the avocado 'Football Player' down the field to score coupons and other potential prizes through sharing and other game mechanics.
  • Concepted 和设计ed the winning pitch idea and presentation to bring 奇基塔 through the door. We knew we needed to focus on moms and their kids' lunches, so I centered the pitch around a character brought to life in the form of a Brown (lunch) Bag named Baggy Marón.
  • Iterated and improved a how-to experience for Verizon wireless users. 这个交互式工具, 主要内置在Flash中, offered simulations on how to navigate and operate features within any potential phone.
技术:Microsoft PowerPoint, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Skype, InVision, Axure, 苹果主题, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


2011 - 2011
  • Taught a Senior-level course at 弗吉尼亚理工大学 on Web Design. Led the class through a typical UX workflow of an interactive project, Education他们如何采取适当的内审措施, UX, 可用性, 和设计.
Technologies: 苹果主题, Axure, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
2008 - 2010



1999 - 2003





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