Raz Burciu, Designer in 克卢日-纳波卡,克卢日县,罗马尼亚
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Raz Burciu

验证专家  in Design



数字世界是拥挤的. Raz helps the makers of tomorrow win big in the experience economy by combining elements of design thinking, innovation, 和用户体验策略. With nine years of experience as a digital 产品设计er, Certifications用户体验专家, 设计冲刺推动者, 他帮助企业和初创公司更快地创新, 采取以用户为中心的工作方法, 实现可持续增长. Raz believes design is a strategic instrument that bridges user needs and business goals.




2018 - 2018
  • 重新设计了Freeletics的响应式网站, a huge player in the field of digital fitness and wellness.
  • Facilitated a 产品设计 sprint to quickly ideate solutions and created prototypes.
  • Conducted user testing sessions to analyze and validate the team's efforts.
  • Assisted in creating a design system to improve the scalability of their web components.
  • Pushed the creative boundaries of their brand to better serve their purpose and reinforce their position in the market.
技术:赞贝林, Principle, Marvel, InVision, Sketch, Figma, 远程用户测试, 原型设计, App UX, UX Design, 产品设计, 移动用户体验设计, 手机UI设计, UI Design, 响应式Web应用, 交互原型, 用户体验工作坊, Web应用程序设计, Web App UX, 移动应用界面, Web App UI, 视觉设计, User Flows, A / B测试, Discovery, 产品发现, Agile, 用户体验研究, 市场研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 用户访谈, 设计领导, 设计思考, 谷歌设计冲刺, 游戏化, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, Checkout, 品牌设计, 数据可视化, SaaS, Adobe, 组件库, Branding, Leadership, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, 标志设计, Web UI设计, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行, Websites


2018 - 2018
  • Enhanced the experience and design of a digital product used by 90% of K-8 schools in the US.
  • Delivered various great experiences—from product strategies to interface improvements and animations—to teachers, parents, 以及网络和移动平台上的学生.
  • Actively participated in teacher interviews and analyzed how the product was used in class to understand usability issues and fix them accordingly.
  • Used rapid prototyping to iterate through ideas and validate them quickly to increase our users' activation and retention.
  • Designed a complete end-to-end onboarding experience for new users in order to provide immediate value and assist in creating habits and mental models.
技术:InVision, 移动应用设计, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), 平面设计, Principle, Sketch, Figma, 原型设计, UX Design, 产品设计, 移动用户体验设计, 网络平台, 手机UI设计, UI Design, 响应式Web应用, 交互原型, 用户体验工作坊, 远程用户测试, 移动应用界面, Dashboards, Web App UI, 视觉设计, User Flows, A / B测试, Discovery, 产品发现, 用户体验研究, 市场研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 用户访谈, 设计思考, 谷歌设计冲刺, 游戏化, 高保真原型, Web UI, Mobile UI, 仪表盘的设计, User Roles, Checkout, 品牌设计, Mobile, 数据可视化, SaaS, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, Adobe, 组件库, Leadership, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, Web UI设计, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行, Websites

Branding/UX/UI/Interaction Designer for Social Gaming iOS App

2017 - 2018
Call It(通过Toptal)
  • Conducted advanced competition research to understand the market and product scope and led product discovery workshops to identify the problem and create the best suitable solution.
  • Created a launch strategy and gamified a unique experience to enhance users' usability and retention.
  • 开发线框图, interfaces, 用户故事, and style guides for a full end-to-end social gaming app for iOS.
  • Worked closely with developers to ensure proper handover and implementation.
  • Documented the entire process and worked alongside the founders making sure the product could be scaled to fit different markets.
技术:草图, InVision, UX Design, 产品设计, 移动用户体验设计, 手机UI设计, UI Design, 响应式Web应用, 交互原型, 用户体验工作坊, 远程用户测试, 移动应用界面, 视觉设计, User Flows, Discovery, 产品发现, 用户体验研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 设计思考, 游戏化, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, User Roles, 品牌设计, Mobile, SaaS, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, Adobe, 组件库, Branding, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, 标志设计, Web UI设计, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行


2016 - 2018
  • 致力于用户体验, strategy, 产品设计, and visual design for one of the largest interview training platforms in the world.
  • Planned and led the design sprints, usability testing sessions, and user interviews.
  • Led the UX design process and ran projects that created radical changes in the business's strategy, 增加了它的成功.
  • Completely redesigned the business's site—including branding and improved conversion rate.
  • Created, planned, delivered, and tested user onboarding strategies and iterated on them consistently.
技术:用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), 移动应用设计, 平面设计, Principle, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, 原型设计, 车间便利化, UX Design, 产品设计, 移动用户体验设计, 网络平台, 手机UI设计, UI Design, 响应式Web应用, 交互原型, 用户体验工作坊, 远程用户测试, Web应用程序设计, Web App UX, 移动应用界面, Dashboards, Web App UI, 视觉设计, User Flows, A / B测试, Discovery, 产品发现, Agile, 用户体验研究, 市场研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 用户访谈, 设计领导, 设计思考, 谷歌设计冲刺, 游戏化, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, 仪表盘的设计, User Roles, Checkout, 品牌设计, Mobile, 数据可视化, SaaS, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, Adobe, 组件库, Branding, Leadership, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, 标志设计, Web UI设计, B2B, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行, Websites


2015 - 2017
  • 进行高级用户研究和用户测试, 以及特定的可用性测试和A/B测试.
  • 发达的层拱, 用户的旅行, and high-fidelity wireframes for mobile apps on paper and digitally.
  • 创造品牌资产, 品牌指南, and assured consistency across several brands and their activity, online, and offline.
  • Designed several user interfaces for a wide variety of startups as well as creating from start-to-finish prototypes—accentuating the micro-interactions and usability.
  • 创建自定义图形,如图标, patterns, 以及其他图形元素, 以及可印刷的材料.
  • Researched markets and created project specific pitch-decks for a wide variety of startups.
技术:移动应用程序设计, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), 平面设计, Principle, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, 交互原型, 用户体验工作坊, 远程用户测试, 产品设计, 原型设计, 用户体验的原型, 响应式Web应用, Mobile UX, 移动用户体验设计, 用户旅程地图, Web应用程序设计, Web App UX, 移动应用界面, Dashboards, Web App UI, 视觉设计, User Flows, A / B测试, Discovery, 产品发现, Agile, 用户体验研究, 市场研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 用户访谈, 设计思考, 谷歌设计冲刺, 游戏化, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, 仪表盘的设计, User Roles, Checkout, 品牌设计, Mobile, 数据可视化, SaaS, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, Adobe, 组件库, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, 标志设计, Web UI设计, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行, Websites


2015 - 2017
  • Took on the task of building the business from the ground up as a co-founder and head of design and UX.
  • Managed a team of several designers and front-end developers in their daily responsibilities; coached them and provided daily feedback to improve work flow and performance.
  • Led and was responsible for the art direction of all the company's projects and managed them from start to finish.
  • Led and was in charge of meeting and keeping in touch with clients; also doubled as a project manager.
  • Built the company's product—from the initial user research to creating business plans and conducting investor pitching.
  • 建立并确保公司的品牌一致性.
  • Created various graphics and materials for clients and organizations all over the world.
技术:InVision, Principle, Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, 交互原型, 用户体验工作坊, 远程用户测试, Figma, Web应用程序设计, Web App UX, 移动应用界面, Dashboards, Web App UI, 视觉设计, User Flows, A / B测试, Discovery, 产品发现, 用户体验研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 用户访谈, 设计领导, 设计思考, 谷歌设计冲刺, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, 仪表盘的设计, User Roles, Checkout, 人力资源管理系统(HRMS), 品牌设计, Mobile, 数据可视化, SaaS, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, Adobe, 组件库, Branding, Leadership, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, 标志设计, Web UI设计, B2B, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行, Websites, Fintech, Insurance


2015 - 2016
  • Built the entire bare-bones of one of the biggest food delivery platforms in Romania.
  • Created the interactive online brand guide for the platform.
  • Performed usability tests to ensure the best experience for users.
  • Wrote top-notch and sustainable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
CSS技术:, HTML, 交互原型, 远程用户测试, User Flows, 设计思考, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, 仪表盘的设计, User Roles, 品牌设计, 数据可视化, SaaS, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, Adobe, 组件库, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, Web UI设计, Websites


2014 - 2015
Mind Magnet软件
  • Designed and built usable, beautiful, and responsive eCommerce websites.
  • Created several other materials and elements such as logos, 印刷设计, 和图形为各种各样的企业.
  • 编写高效、高质量的脚本, web pages, 自定义Magento和WordPress主题, 以及其他与网络相关的工作.
  • Designed the entire identity—the online and offline presence of the MeetMagento Conference (two years in a row).
技术:电子商务, 平面设计, Web Design, Adobe Creative Suite, WordPress, CSS, HTML, 交互原型, 用户体验工作坊, 远程用户测试, Web应用程序设计, Web App UX, 移动应用界面, Dashboards, Web App UI, 视觉设计, User Flows, A / B测试, Discovery, 产品发现, 市场研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 设计思考, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, 仪表盘的设计, User Roles, 品牌设计, 数据可视化, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, Adobe, 组件库, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, Web UI设计, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行, Websites
2014 - 2017







NN/g UXCertifications



Miro, Principle, Sketch, InVision, Zeplin, Figma, Hotjar, Adobe, Adobe CC, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Marvel, Sketch 4, Usertesting.com, Proto.io








平面设计, eCommerce, 移动应用程序, iOS应用设计, 原型设计, Branding, App UI, 线框图, 用户研究, 用户测试, 球场上甲板, 交互设计(IxD), Usability, 界面设计, Design, 信息架构(IA), 远程用户测试, Web UX, 用户体验工作坊, 产品策略, iOS用户体验设计, 交互原型, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 数码产品设计, Mobile UX, 用户体验(UX), 产品设计, Web Design, 移动应用设计, 用户界面(UI), iOS UI设计, App Design, 视觉设计, UX Design, 设计冲刺, 登陆页面设计, 登陆页设计师, 车间便利化, 设计工作室, 移动用户体验设计, 网络平台, 手机UI设计, UI Design, 响应式Web应用, Web应用程序设计, Web App UX, 移动应用界面, Dashboards, Web App UI, User Flows, A / B测试, Discovery, 产品发现, Agile, 用户体验研究, 用户体验线框图, Workshops, 风格指南, 用户访谈, 设计领导, 设计思考, 谷歌设计冲刺, 游戏化, 高保真原型, 设计系统, Web UI, Mobile UI, 仪表盘的设计, User Roles, Checkout, 人力资源管理系统(HRMS), SaaS, 手机设计, 移动应用程序, 组件库, Leadership, 用户角色, 用户故事, 网页用户体验设计, 标志设计, Web UI设计, B2B, 移动应用开发, Research, 用户的旅行, Websites, 图解, 品牌设计, 市场研究, 数据可视化, Maps, 电子银行, Fintech, App UX, Framer, 用户体验的原型, 用户旅程地图



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